Thursday, November 9, 2017

Growing your business through social media is easy

The advent of social media has made more Nigerian youths internet literate to a reasonable extent. They now access all necessary information via the internet using their mobile phone. The most visited websites by young people are social websites including LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter.
In the 21st century, you shouldn’t be ignorant of anything for more than 5 minutes because any information you want can be got from Google. Scientists in western world have proved that a kid in Africa in 2015, have access to almost all the intelligence of the world via his/her mobile phone. That’s a feat that even the president of the United States of America could not boast of 18 years ago.
We learn through social interactions. That’s how we are wired, and social media has raised the bar and revolutionized information creation, update and retrieval.

Social media refers to technologies that are used to keep in touch with our family, associates and relationships and includes technologies such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, stumbleUpon and PinInterest among others. Social media is the interaction among people in which they create, share or exchange information and ideas in virtual communities and networks.
If you doubt the latent power of social media and how it can take your business to the mountain top, you should consider the following facts and figures:
In a study conducted by the Masdar Institute of Science and Technology in Abu Dhabi, it was found that on average, any individual is just 12 hours of separation from another around the world, using social networking sites.
Consumers continue to spend more time on social networks than on any other category of sites—roughly 20 percent of their total time online via personal computer (PC), and 30 percent of total time online via mobile.
As of May 2012 Facebook has 901 million users. Today, Facebook has more than an estimated number of 1 billion users. In other words, 1 out of every 7 human being on planet earth has a Facebook account. If Facebook is a country, it would be the third most populous country in the world.
One out of eight couples married in the U.S. last year met via social media according to statistics released June 2013
In November 2011, it was reported Indians spend more time on social media than on any other activity on the Internet.
In 2011, online shopping in Nigeria grew by 25% and was valued at 62.4 billion naira.

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